Addio Zio Tom

And neither on how to announce one of the most controversial films ever, especially in times like these. Maybe the best way is via the personal experience we had during the first sighting at a relatively young age. The film that sensitized us for a topic whose almost unimaginable cruelty had been hitherto oftentimes only been depicted in a “downplayed” manner on the big and small screen, and therefore didn’t have a comparable impact – at least on us – Is of course ADDIO ZIO TOM aka GOODBYE UNCLE TOM from 1971, conceived and directed by the godfathers of mondo Gualtiero Jacopetti and Franco Prosperi. For many, many years we tried to add the film to our catalog, and now, finally, we can announce with great joy that this is going to happen on Blu-ray and UHD. What intention the makers had when they produced the film has been heatedly discussed in the past, the development and shooting history much criticized. As usual, we will add contextualizing bonus materials that surely won’t be able to answer possible questions following this post, but will equip us and you for a critical examination.
P.S.: This will not be – just like another soon to be announced Italo smash – as many might think, part of the Italian Genre Cinema Collection but an independent release. This is due to the fact that we could only secure the German speaking territories and the IGCC was conceived as a purely bilingual series. In other words, our release will not be English friendly!