Italian Genre Cinema Collection No. 7
All hell breaks loose in the zoo of a German metropolis when the local drinking water gets contaminated by a large quantity of PCP, thus turning all formerly harmless animals into ferociously aggressive beats. Crazed by a druginduced blood rage, they break all barriers and soon enough prey on the town. Now it’s up to a ballsy scientist and a spunky reporter to save both the day and the city …
Malicious rats, big raging cats, frenzied elephants and an ill-humoured polar bear – everything you ever wanted to know about what happens when a bunch of wild animals turn against civilization is fully examined in grisly detail in Franco Prosperi’s notoriously violent nature-gone-nuts shocker WILD BEASTS. In his last film, the co-director of the MONDO CANE series unleashes an effective bloodbath on an unsuspecting audience, where nothing and no one scared. It doesn’t happen too often that an offspring of our society in such a grim and gritty light. When Prosperi sets his furry protagonists on helpless human flesh, the perfidious reversal of the Darwinist balance of power oozes a touch of sadistic satisfaction.
- Featurette "Prosperi Uncaged" featuring Director Franco Prosperi
- Featurette "Bruschini Goes Wild" featuring Film Historian Antonio Bruschini
- Italian Trailer
- Photo Gallery
- Booklet by Prof. Marcus Stiglegger
Technical Specifications
- 88 min, Color
- Italian, English and German Language in Dolby Digital 2.0 Stereo
- English and German Subtitles
- 1,66:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
- Region: 2
Original title: WILD BEASTS
Genre: Thriller, Horror
Italy, 1984
Director: Franco Prosperi
Starring: Lorraine De Selle, John Aldrich, Ugo Bologna, Louisa Lloyd, John Stacy
Manufacturer (GPSR):
Camera Obscura Filmdistribution GbR
Herkentrup 8b
48329 Havixbeck